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without God, i'm nothing. with Him... well i can have my moments of awesome

Jul 12, 20212 min read
Why Does Resting Exhaust You?
How do you rest? Are you getting enough of it in your life? Rest: a bodily state characterized by minimal functional and metabolic...

Jul 12, 20212 min read
Can We Stop The Sadness of The Season?
The holiday season is hard for many. Why is there such a tinge of sadness that comes along with the snow? Is there a way we can refocus...

Jul 12, 20212 min read
What Happens When a Mother Prays?
What happens when you realize the power of a praying mother? It changed me (and others) and makes me thankful. A few weeks ago I was...

Jul 12, 20212 min read
5 Worship Songs To Add To Your Playlist Right Now
There is nothing else in life I love more than an anointed and powerful worship service. These are often special night events held by...

Jul 12, 20213 min read
3 Ways To Keep Your Single Spirit Up On Valentine's Day
Back in December I shared on Insta about being single at 32. I figured since it's Valentines Day, I'd add on and share a bit more of that...

Jul 12, 20213 min read
Why Your Productive Life Isn't As Perfect As You Imagined
"I've got so much on my plate. Let's try again next week. Next week I'll have more time. I'm so overwhelmed. I got nothing done today! I...

Jul 12, 20214 min read
When Looking Your Weakness In The Face Makes You Strong
Recently I went on a date where we had good conversation and debates- this was a first date too so basically all the rules about first...

Jul 12, 20213 min read
How An Extrovert Finds Silence
Tapping into the power of stillness, silence, and solitude I’ve been thinking a lot lately. More than usual and I’m not so certain it’s...

Jul 12, 20214 min read
When a Nonsmoker Gets Throat Cancer
My dad has never been a smoker or a drinker. Help Ken Kick Cancer “Once I passed 58, the age my dad was when it took his life, I thought...

Jul 12, 20212 min read
Procrastinated Birthday Pondering
It’s been a month since my birthday. I considered not posting anything at all, but then I remembered— life is special and celebrating...

Jul 12, 20213 min read
When It All Feels Too Much
I’ve got a confession. I’ve been in a pretty big slump. Not just a "it's been 5 months since I updated the blog" type slump. A deeper, we...
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